During maintenance the sync server went down. All your shows could dissappear from your list. We are working on restoring it, the data was backupped.
We'll keep you posted
Sync accounts not working
After a lot of users experienced problems with sync & backup, I've worked on the sync server. I've upgraded some packages, and the system should work more reliable now. Unfortunately it
Not updating
For some people Episoder will not update anymore, and shows get stuck. I've found a bug that causes this, and I'm submitting v3.56 today. This also fixes issues for people
Website refresh
After refreshing the app, I thought the site could use an overhaul too
Version 2.54 is now live
This should fix the crashes a lot of people experiences, as well as some small updates to the progress / unwatched tab.
New update
I've submitted a new update into the store. Expect it in 1 or 2 days. Hopefully this will fix the crashes for some people.
Since the big update a lot of
Backup and Sync
There are some issues with the synchronisation at the moment. Please be patient, we are looking into it!
If you see no airdates for all your shows, please set your device time to 24 hours, and refresh the list. This bug will be fixed in the upcoming update!
New version crash
Note to users with the chinese language: the app will crash!
Please change the language of the phone to english temporarily as this will fix the crash. An update is on
New Show source added
We've added TVMaze as a temporary source for our show information. Episoder should update again, but it could take a while before everything is up-to-date. If you notice anything strange