In the current version, the landscape is not working correctly on iOS6 devices. Im working on a fix, but now the appstore review process is closed for the holliday. You
Update 2.6
Around next week the update should be live. I've updated episoder for the iPhone 5, but unfortunatly apple doesn't allow development for the iOS 3.0 Armv6 (iphone 2G + 3G)
The search displayed only a few results lately. We are working on a permanent fix but for now it's working again.
How nice would it be, if Episoder can be more of a Genius? I am refering to Apple's genius, that is able to provide music that you probably will like,
I see a lot of comments saying Episoder needs some kind of reminder system. It is there already. I will explain how to use it.
- Select the show
- Go to
Search offline
edit: Everything should be working again!
Because of a maintenance of the servers at TV-Rage the search functionality of Episoder is currently not working. The shows are also outdated, because our information can
Stability and speed improved
Finally...we worked 2 long days to get the server to respond faster. You should see stability and speed improvements while updating your shows.
That means Episoder will start up faster, and
Backup your show!
The comming update of Episoder supports backup and restoring your database. Although primitive i must admit, it works like a charm!
You can copy your database from an to episoder in
Update posted
A new update is pending for review at Apple right now. It improves the syncing mechanism, and gives you a nice and clean Calendar view. It will be available within
Episoder now has its own place on the world wide web! In the future this website can be used to keep track of your favorite TV-Shows too, synced with your